Tax risks
As an entrepreneur, you are constantly making decisions for your company. But have you unknowingly taken unwanted tax risks? Were these risks necessary or could things be better tax wise. Doing business means taking risks, but as long as they are manageable. Are you aware of your tax risks, but also of your tax opportunities? This might be a good time to work that out.
Contact usTax check
We offer a tax check that takes a good look at your company situation. We also examine whether your private situation can be optimised tax wise. Business and private life are often connected in such a way that both require attention.
An employer does not allow the use of a company car for private purposes, but must control that. Even if that means putting the company car behind a fence at night. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration regularly checks for written records of the relationships between companies. Just as between the director-major shareholder and his or her BV (private company). Often they do not exist or no longer suffice.
An entrepreneur is mainly engaged in entrepreneurship, but what if he or she is temporarily unable to do business or even permanently? What are the financial consequences and how can your company’s continuity be guaranteed? But there is more. We take a helicopter view of the most important tax types that are relevant to you, such as income tax, corporation tax, wage tax, turnover tax, transfer tax and gift and inheritance tax. Legal aspects such as company law, labour law and inheritance law are included.
Are you aware of your tax risks?
Are you wondering if you are up to date tax wise and if you are not running unnecessary risks? Would you like a second opinion to check whether your company structure has been set up correctly? We would be delighted to make an appointment with you to discuss the tax check possibilities.
Would you like to meet us?
Curious to see if we can help you? Please contact us and we are happy to start the conversation.
Contact us